Zimmerman Relational Therapy

Gender & Sexuality

Gender and sexuality are two incredibly important and nuanced parts of every person’s identity. No matter where you are on your journey of exploration and discovery regarding your gender or sexuality, you deserve support in how those parts of you intersect with other aspects of your life, including mental health. 

There are many struggles that folks in the LGBTQIA+ community face and my goal is to be able to support you through any you may be experiencing. Some of the most common issues I see with folks in the queer community include:

  • Family of origin conflicts
  • Struggles in your relationships, whether they be intimate partnerships, friendships, or beyond
  • Challenges in the process of identity exploration, including distinguishing between issues related to gender identity, gender expression and presentation, sexual orientation, and romantic attraction
  • Dealing with systems and worldviews that do not value queer identities, relationships, and families
  • Conflicts between gender identity or sexual orientation and other facets of one’s identity, including differing norms and values

There are many other possible challenges that folks in the queer community encounter beyond those listed. No matter your lived experience, you’ll find a space of support and non-judgement with me at Zimmerman Relational Therapy. I am a part of the LGBTQIA+ community and have an unending passion for working with folks across the queer spectrum. Whether you’re someone with a solid identity and just need someone familiar with diverse gender identities or sexual orientations, you’re someone just starting your exploration process, or you’re a family with a gender creative kid, there’s a home for you here. I consider it a privilege to witness your journey and support you along the way.

Ready to get started?

Take your first step towards the healing and growth you deserve.